It is my mission to capture your big and small moments. Your love, your joy, your tears and laughters. Because you shine bright.
Antonia Valladares Hochzeitsfotografin mit Kamera in der Hand


Our world is spinning fast - often too fast - with yoga and mindfulness practice I bring serenity to my everyday life. Photography is one way of mindfulness for me, as I pay attention to details, sensations and emotions.


I love cultures and languages. I was born in Chile and I have my lust for adventures from my mum, who was an adventure travel guide. I have lived in Argentina, Finland and Indonesia. Fun fact, I'm fluent in 4 languages 🙂


For me, aesthetics play a central role. Whether it's in fashion, interior design or art. I focus on crafting images that are visually pleasing and emotionally resonant. Each shot is carefully composed to capture beauty and evoke connection. Reach out if that resonates with you.


In my free time you can find me in the nature, hiking, road biking. I am also very much into wild life photography - I love capturing penguins in Chile, alligators in Florida and birds in Cambodia. Share that passion with me? Let me know! 
